Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rainy weather stirs up the scheduling

Baseball season is in full swing for CSI: Photo. Along with all the other spring sports.
Today I needed to switch scheduling for a baseball game that was scheduled for Saturday. But, with the weather not looking to good for Saturday Pace University switched it's planned double header to Friday Afternoon. Along with the switch it was also moved to New Haven University. So, I packed up the car and headed out to NHU for some baseball.

Funny thing is I already had 1 softball game postponed due to rain and I will again be heading out to New Haven next week end for the make-up.

The spring schedule goes by really fast due to the majority of the games on March being played down south. So all my scheduling needs to by done in pretty much a five week span. The schools I shoot for have been really flexible as to when I can make these games up. Also, I have been following the weather and anticipating any inclement weather and moving games around to make sure I can get them all in.

So far the weather looks pretty good for the up-coming week. Which again will be a busy one. I have 2 softball game and a women's lacrosse game. The women's lacrosse game will be for Dominican College, in Rockland County. It will be my first time shooting for this school. I was referred to them by one of the school I currently shoot for. I'm glad my clients have been happy with my work enough to refer my business.

Well I will try to up-date this blog sometime soon. I am pretty quite with the updates during the summers months. About the only shooting I get out to do it some stuff for my art portfolio. Although I have been getting quite a few calls regarding weddings and receptions for the summer months.

1 comment:

Jim, "Homer" said...

The fact your getting referrals is a great thing and it sounds like your going to be pretty busy, if your not already. Great Work Dave.