Sunday, December 21, 2008

Shooting high - Looking down

Today my goal was to mount my remote camera above the 35 second clock. I was running late due to this mornings weather. (It's been snowing most of the week-end here) When I need to set up my camera anywhere above the rim I need to get to the arena at least 2 hours prior to tip-off. Well I got there only 1 hour prior to the beginning of the game. So, I needed to set up my camera and make all my adjustments on a different backboard.

Being this was the first time I was setting up the remote above the shot clock I needed some extra time to make sure everything was properly set and all adjustments were made correctly. After having the remote all set I checked with the refs and the opposing teams head coach to see if there were any final objections. Everything was good to go.

VMI informed me that their team would be heading back into the locker room 35 minutes prior to tip-off for approximately 10 minutes. This would give me plenty of time to drop the net set-up the ladder and secure the camera, and make any final adjustments needed.

With the remote set to a limited field of view I don't expect many shots. But, the shots I do expect to get should be outstanding. I was not proved wrong for today's game.

In all I got 9 images with the remote camera. As I mentioned to Army's SID, I would be happy with 5-10 shots from this view. The camera was mounted with a 15mm lens. Which covers the entire 3 point area. I think my setup for next time might call for a 20mm lens. This way I would not need to crop the images as much.

In all I am quite happy with the results I have been getting from all the different angles I have been able to get using the remote set-up.


Jim, "Homer" said...

This is such a nice angle to get some nice expressions during some peak action.

Your just expanding so much with each new technique and position you choose to shoot from.

CSI: Photo said...

Thanks Jim.
I'm just trying to stay ahead of the curve.