Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Photographing the Army/Navy Game

It was my second time being on the field for the Army/Navy game. As one would expect this is a pretty fun time. It is also a pretty crazy event to be shooting.

The weather forecast for Saturday initially called for snow. But closer to Saturday it changed. It turned out to be a pretty nice day. Didn't get above 40 but at least it didn't snow.

My day started out at 6:30 waking up at a friends house I stayed at in southern Jersey. They only live about 30 minutes outside of Philly. It was good to get to see them. I have not seen them in quite some time. We had a nice dinner on Friday night and a few cocktails and did some catching up.

7:30 I hit the road. My first stop was to the Alumni breakfast for some pictures. and a little breakfast. You can't go to a Army/Navy game with-out experiencing all that goes on there. The sprint band played and the cheerleaders came out to get everyone riled up for the game.

Kick off was at 12 o'clock so at 10:30 I was headed for the stadium. I knew the security was going to be a little tighter than normal due to the fact President Bush would be attending the game. He came on to the field and walked around the field shaking hands as he went. It was a media frenzy LOL.

I pretty much knew that Army would have a tough time with Navy this year after being on the field for many of their games this year.
After awhile and not to many chances to get "good" pictures of Army I decided to take some images of the fans and other things going on around the stadium.

I was planning on staying in Philly through Sunday but after dinner It started to snow and was suppose to snow most of the night. So I hit the road and headed for home. It snowed all the way home. I was shot after what turned out to be a four hour drive in the snow. But after it was all said and done it was a good weekend. I was able to get a few shots in and around Pilly for my artsy portfolio, see some friends and and shoot my last football game of the season.

Now it's time to focus fully on Basketball and Hockey. Next Sunday I will be shooting at Madison Square Garden for the Maggie Dixon Classic. It will be my first time shooting at the garden. I will be shooting the first game for Army. Then be watching UCONN vs. Penn State. That should be a great game to watch.

1 comment:

CMR photography said...

Dave as always great stuff just wanted to say "CONGRATS" on your chance to shoot at Madison Square Gardens WOW