Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Drive on a country road

I took a drive on a country road today in search of some new HDR images. Heading out with only My Canon 20D with my Lensbaby Composer and my tripod. It's nice not lugging around a ton of camera gear for a change. This to me is like hunting to my friends this time of year. But, I don't have to get up at an un-Godly hour and douse myself in animal waste. Instead I grab an beverage of choice (today it was a Pepsi). Jump in my car and wonder around. (Glad the gas prices are still dropping). I headed to Kent Falls in Western Connecticut. Normally this is a summer trip. But, it was a fairly nice day with a good cloud mix for HDR's.

In total I took about 100 images and was able to come up with four really nice HDR's.

This image is 15 images combined in Photomatix. Starting with an exposure of 1/40th of a sec all the way to 1/1000th. After the image was merged in Photomatix, I played a little bit in LightRoom. When I do HDR's this way, I normally view some pre-sets I have and when I find one I like I will start to tweak it till I get it just right (well, at least to my liking).

If you'd like to view more of my artistic work drop by my website at CSI-photo.net

1 comment:

CMR photography said...

It very peaceful isn't it And I do not spray myself with animal waste ;) (jk) They look great Dave thanks for sharing unfortunately here we have about 6 inches of snow on the ground and sub zero temperatures so my outdoor shots are very limited right now as well as ice fishing season begins so I will be sure to get some shots of that on my blog sometime