Monday, October 20, 2008

White Balance and shooting sports

After a few inquires on how I get my image results I decided to post a brief summary of my post processing.

I take a test shot of the WhiBal card and it looks like this. I take this image at the iso I am going to be shooting at and set my camera to "P"

For this image the is camera set to AWB and says the temperature is 4800°K. I use the white balance picker in LightRoom and pick anywhere on the card.

This is how the image looks after the WB is set. This is corrected to 3300°K

Then, I set my camera to the readings from the light meter, but I add 2 full stops to obtain 1/500th of a second for my shutter speed. I use the Sekonic L-358, it has a module that will fire the strobes via pocket wizards. It is a very popular meter.

My meter reading for an iso setting of 400 is then taken from out on the ice, and I come up with 1/125th of a second @ f/2.8. from there I shoot 2 stops under exposed and set my camera to 1/500th @ f/2.8

This shot is straight out of the camera.

After setting my WB using the the adjustments from the WhiBal test shot. and adding the ~2 stops back into the image I adjust the image as needed. The full list of adjustment are made in LightRoom and are:

Exposure: +2.25
Recovery: 15
Fill Light: 10
Blacks: 5
Brightness: +80
Contract: +30
Clarity: +14
Vibrance: +10
Saturation: +5
Highlights: -19
Sharpening: 40
Noise Reduction
Luminance: 10
Color: 25


Jim, "Homer" said...

Well Dave you already know what I think, but I'll post it here anyways.

White balance is something that I find very tough and your explanation really brings it home and helps.

Great post.

CSI: Photo said...

I hope you find the WhiBal card to be a great tool. I know it as helped with my struggles in shooting indoors. I found the videos to be a great help in learning how to set the white balance using it.