Saturday, October 11, 2008

Goal-Cam up and running

Well the goal-cam got it's first "GAME" use. It was a scrimmage but, basically game situation. I am please with the results I got today.

I was running late due to a volleyball tournament I was shooting out in Garden City. So, I didn't get there till the 3rd period. I had about 3 minutes to get everything set-up and all my settings. dueing 1 period of play there was 143 shots taken with the camera and I wound up with 27 keepers. I think that is really acceptable results.

The next game is on Saturday were I will be there in plenty of time to set-up everything and hopefully will have even better results.

The one thing that conserns me is the battery and it being mounted only 6 inches above the ice. I might try some pocket hand warmers in the housing.

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