Sunday, November 16, 2008

Faces of a Champion

This weekend I photographed the NorthEast-10 Conference Volleyball Championship at Pace University. There was a lot of planing and equipment to be either borrowed or purchased. First off, I needed to secure a second photographer. I did this through some of the photo forums I belong to. Then on to the equipment issues. I didn't have all the lighting I need to strobe a college gymnasium. So, I purchased some new lighting. Because I don't want to have light stands all around the gym with a ton of people and volleyballs all over the place during practice. I needed to purchase some additional clamps and safety cables. Firing the strobes and remote cameras I needed to borrow a total of 5 pocket wizards. After shelling out the bucks for the additional lighting I decided to borrow the wizards. I will be picking up new wizards soon so, all the running around borrowing equipment will come to an end soon.

After all was said and done, I believe all the running around was well worth the effort. I will have additional work coming though the conference and other teams with-in the conference.

So if I can offer any words of advice to my follow photographers. If you think you will need more equipment than you currently own. Do anything to beg, borrow, rent (or steal*) the equipment you need to pull it off with out a hitch.

* On a side note while I don't advise you steal the equipment. I only mentioned it as the saying goes "Beg, borrow or steal." I tossed in rent as the alternative to stealing it...

1 comment:

Jim, "Homer" said...

As we said before, sounds like it was rough start but with great results. As time goes on you will have a ton of equipment at your command. You are doing things that few pro's do and are doing a damn great job.

Glad to hear it all worked out and happy to hear you got the NCAA gig.