Thursday, January 1, 2009

Good use of remote camera

This is a set of images I was able to capture using a hand-held camera, as well as, a remote camera. For this I was shooting with a wide angle lens setup on my remote camera. The camera was placed on a tabletop tripod placed next to me on the floor. For the inset shot I was shooting with my 70/200 f/2.8. Again this is just 1 more option for shooting with remote cameras.

Here is a video that I used when I first started looking in to remote shooting.


CMR photography said...

Thanks for the video Dave pictures look great

Jim, "Homer" said...

I just have to say that your work is really looking great. You are doing a fantastic job with the lighting and and remotes. Keep pushing it.

Also, I have now become a senior member at SportsShooter (Imagin that), let me know if you want to apply as you'll have my recommendation.