Sunday, February 1, 2009

LensBaby and basketball

I had the chance to play around with my LensBaby Composer during some basketball tonight. I had tried this once before. And came out with some pretty good results. So, tonight I did some more images with it and played around a little more looking for particular shots. This image was the one I was looking for.
I never really take out the LensBaby for sports shooting. But after looking for something different I decided to play. I think I might just have to keep the Composer on one of my cameras for sports from now on. Using the newer version of the LensBaby makes it much easier to compose a picture for some anticipated action around the net (or other key areas of play). Look forward to seeing more with the LensBaby and my sports photography.

1 comment:

Denise Marie Olson said...

that is just way too cool!!!!! Way to go out of the ordinary!!!! love it!!!